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Start 25-10-2022 to 26-10-2022

OFSEC 2022 will bring together local and international participants who will showcase their avant-garde solutions, specific transverse and latest technologies, cutting edge innovations, cost-effective products and services to meet the requirements of governments, businesses, industrial & commercial entities, aviation, construction, infrastructure, transportation, manufacturing, oil and gas and utilities sectors. Dynamic economic and infrastructure development in Oman and the region has made the Middle East the most vibrant safety and security market in the world, with a growth rate of over 10% annually, since 2012, according to a recent research by G4S. There is a diverse demand for fire, safety and security equipment, ranging from the smallest of businesses to large corporates and home-users. OFSEC is designed to meet the needs of the local, regional and international markets by linking practitioners, suppliers, distributors and manufacturers from the fire, safety and security industry, with key decision makers from the government and private sectors, making it a definitive networking platform, where new projects and partnerships are initiated and visionary objectives are implemented. This event also aims to create synergy and strengthen the collaboration between the authorities and the industries. The event will attract participation representation from over 30 countries, with a slew of product and service launches, to the trade visitors and potential buyers from the region and beyond. OFSEC has collaborated with government bodies, leading industry associations, research partners and specialists to establish the event that caters to the entire fire, safety and security sectors, making it an imperative convergence point. The event is aligned with the demand and supply of the market across the board of industries to share best practices, tackle challenges, and explore breakthrough methods for the integration of safety and security technologies. The event will lay foundation and be the gateway to the current and future market trends in the fire, safety and security sectors, for the industry professionals to communicate, share ideas, identify solutions, to operate effectively and efficiently and stay abreast with the latest global trends. OFSEC will confluence and strengthen local and international business engagement and encourage investment. Source :

ISAF Fire & Rescue – 26th International Fire, Emergency, Search & Rescue Exhibition

Start 13-10-2022 to 16-10-2022

Being the only international sector exhibition which has been held domestically in the fields of Fire, Emergency and Search & Rescue for many years, ISAF Fire & Rescue is preparing to bring together all the segments of the sector on October 13-16, 2022. With ISAF Exhibition having moved to the new halls, there have been significant changes in the growth target of the exhibition, too. The greatest growth rate, which could not prove its potential in previous years due to the location and the capacity of the ISAF Exhibition previously held in different areas, is predicted to reach fruition at the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition. With ISAF having been held in different areas in Halls 9-10-11 at the Istanbul Exhibition Center since 2007 and now relocated to larger halls all of which are interconnected and on the same floor in Halls 5-6-7, noteworthy alterations based on the growth that is predicted to occur are planned to perform in the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition structure, content and its entire operations. ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition which mainly hosts fire warning and extinguishing products has been rearranged and updated to cover the sector more broadly thanks to its expanding area to entirely include Fire preventions and inhibitors, Fire detectors, first response equipment, systems and infrastructures, Fire response and fire extinguishers, Fire escape and post-fire operations, Disaster response, Search & Rescue, first aid. ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition will, thanks to its new structure, be an unrivalled organization which covers all the processes in the fields of fire, emergency and Search& Rescue completely and brings together all the partners in the aforementioned field. As of 2022, ISAF Fire&Rescue Exhibition will, with this new rearrangement, march on its path leading to joining the world’s top-ranking exhibitions with its international participants and visitors. In order to scale up your share in the accelerating growth and increasing trade volume of the sector via the paramount organization of the sector that has increased its importance with its re-orchestrated and relocated structure, All the sector representatives are invited to participate in the ISAF Fire &Rescue Exhibition source:

Secutech Vietnam

Start 18-08-2022 to 20-08-2022

The leading gateway to opportunities in Vietnam’s fast growing security and fire safety industry Secutech Vietnam, the region’s trade fair for connected IoT-based security, fire safety and smart building solutions will return to the Saigon Convention and Exhibition Centre for its 13th edition from 18 – 20 August 2022. Following record high participation at its 2019 edition, and amidst buoyant market conditions, the fair is expected to attract 400 exhibitors and 15,000 trade buyers from across the ASEAN region. Organized in close collaboration with local fire department, construction, building association and related official department, the show will attract large numbers of qualified end users, distributors and channel players from both the north and the south of the country, and as a result making Secutech Vietnam the perfect platform for foreign players to gain a foothold in the market. Furthermore, a larger SMABuilding event will take place to allow trade visitors to source the full spectrum of smart home and building solutions. There will also be dedicated application zones for the growing vertical markets, including factory, home, parking and retail. Three of the zones will be located at the concurrent ‘Fire & Safety Vietnam’ event, which recorded its largest ever edition in 2019 – connecting practitioners with extinguishing equipment, alarms, personal protection equipment, disaster prevention solutions, fire proof materials, rescue equipment and more. For more details, please visit Alternatively, please contact Michelle Chu [email protected].

Fire Safety System Training

Start 20-10-2021 to 22-10-2021

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Registration Closed
Strengthen Your Leadership Skills

Start 10-05-2022 00:03
End 31-05-2022 04:03

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Our Latest Technologies

Innovation in the fire industry is crucial to save lives.

Smart Connected Things (SCoT)

Smart Connected Things (SCoT) in fire protection systems enable both owners and service providers to determine system status and perform some inspection and testing functions remotely.

Advanced Smoke Detection

This new smoke alarm new smoke alarm features “TruSense Technology” that can differentiate between fast flaming/smoldering fires and some common home nuisance alarms.

Water Mist Suppression System

Water mist suppression systems like HI-FOG fight fires with significantly less water than traditional sprinkler systems. The water is kept under extreme pressure and is released using specialized sprinkler and spray heads.

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