ISAF Fire & Rescue – 26th International Fire, Emergency, Search & Rescue Exhibition

Event | Published at 20-06-2022 22:49

Start Date: 13-10-2022

End Date: 16-10-2022

Being the only international sector exhibition which has been held domestically in the fields of Fire, Emergency and Search & Rescue for many years, ISAF Fire & Rescue is preparing to bring together all the segments of the sector on October 13-16, 2022.

With ISAF Exhibition having moved to the new halls, there have been significant changes in the growth target of the exhibition, too. The greatest growth rate, which could not prove its potential in previous years due to the location and the capacity of the ISAF Exhibition previously held in different areas, is predicted to reach fruition at the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition.

With ISAF having been held in different areas in Halls 9-10-11 at the Istanbul Exhibition Center since 2007 and now relocated to larger halls all of which are interconnected and on the same floor in Halls 5-6-7, noteworthy alterations based on the growth that is predicted to occur are planned to perform in the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition structure, content and its entire operations.

ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition which mainly hosts fire warning and extinguishing products has been rearranged and updated to cover the sector more broadly thanks to its expanding area to entirely include

Fire preventions and inhibitors,
Fire detectors, first response equipment, systems and infrastructures,
Fire response and fire extinguishers,
Fire escape and post-fire operations,
Disaster response, Search & Rescue, first aid.

ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition will, thanks to its new structure, be an unrivalled organization which covers all the processes in the fields of fire, emergency and Search& Rescue completely and brings together all the partners in the aforementioned field. As of 2022, ISAF Fire&Rescue Exhibition will, with this new rearrangement, march on its path leading to joining the world’s top-ranking exhibitions with its international participants and visitors.

In order to scale up your share in the accelerating growth and increasing trade volume of the sector via the paramount organization of the sector that has increased its importance with its re-orchestrated and relocated structure,

All the sector representatives are invited to participate in the ISAF Fire &Rescue Exhibition
